
Born on April 21, 1997, in Onojo City, Fukuoka Prefecture.

Since childhood, Natsumi Oda immersed herself in various activities, such as piano, baton twirling, English conversation, and calligraphy, rapidly advancing skills beyond academics. A pivotal moment in fourth grade, witnessing an artist on TV, ignited her passion for music, leading her to dream of becoming a singer.

In 2016, she enrolled in a music-focused vocational school, initiating songwriting and forming an unconventional girls' unit where all four members played acoustic guitars. The unit achieved nationwide distribution of CDs, released digital singles, organized numerous one-man live shows (drawing over 200 attendees at Gate’s7), monthly event planning for two years, and made appearances on local TV and radio.
Despite energetic participation in major festivals and events in the Fukuoka area, she parted ways in 2021 due to differences in direction. Faced with significant disappointment after pushing hard for the unit's success, she spent a year in frustration without any activities.

In 2022, she decided to embark on solo activities and initiated with a bold "30-songs one-man live" as the first step, overcoming daily challenges with unwavering determination and achieving tremendous success.
In the same year, she held a solo Christmas show, which sold out. Concurrently, she planned the recording of song materials accumulated during the hiatus. In the summer of 2023, she finally started recording her first solo song, preparing the release of the 5-track EP “Youkou” ("Sunshine").

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