

Barrie Lindsay is a soft spoken, obsessive producer and songwriter who grew up tinkering with instruments in Ipswich, Massachusetts. After graduating from Wesleyan in 2012 with a degree in music, Lindsay formed her first band with her brother, a 5-piece group called Grammar. She spent her 20’s quietly making music in Boston and working at a sculpture studio until she was discovered on Soundcloud by a manager who encouraged her to move to Brooklyn and pursue a career in music by forming a band. Lindsay obliged and soon Barrie, the 5-piece band, was born. After a number of successful singles, Barrie released their debut in 2019, Happy To Be Here, earning buzzy press, TV syncs, and new fans around the globe. A month after Happy To Be Here came out, the band parted ways and Lindsay reintroduced Barrie as a solo project

In the two years since then, the 32-year old producer both suffered the loss of a parent, and married her wife, Gabby. While Lindsay has maintained a separation between her personal feelings and lyricism in previous works, she allowed herself to find catharsis for the intense love and grief she was experiencing in song for her new single, “Dig”.

One night during a moment of grief, Lindsay couldn’t bring herself to set up the mic properly in her studio. Instead, she opted to shout across the room in a true “fuck-it” moment. Liking the effect this produced, she decided to stick with it, yielding “Dig,” a self-produced single featuring an impressionistic slew of slide guitar, dulcimer, and mandolin. You can hear her newfound sense of boldness, as she wails the song’s central refrain, giving herself over to emotion: “I can’t get enough of you / Where did you come from?”

“Dig” is the first of two singles taken from a 7” release arriving this Fall via Winspear.

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