
“Gorilla Wave!” is a solo project by trumpet player Kyotaro Hori, who plays on Klehe, TAMTAM, WUJA BIN BIN, etc. His first work, "ECHOES", has tactile sensations, introspective wind instrument melodies, and improvised sounds, reminiscent of Jon Hassell and Terje Isngset. We can see two types of gradation throughout the work. The first one
is from jazz to ambient, the second is from sound to music.

In M1 "Buntaro" and M2 "Ants in a Line", his trumpet sounds like a shakuhachi. The sounds of stringed instruments and ice are arranged so as to be intertwined with the tone.On the other hand, M3 "Ame" is a work that expresses the tactile sensation in electronics by using only electro without using musical instruments. In M4 "IcI", where the repetition by percussion and trumpet is impressive, a new layer is added each time the phrase is repeated, and the sound gradually saturates. M5 "IkI", which cross-fades with the lingering sound, is an ambient song that focuses on the breathing of the clarinet.
This work is an experimental style, but the phrases and tones that are familiar to the ears are also impressive. Leave yourself to the world where you can see through these melodies and textures.

A solo project by trumpet player Kyotaro Hori, who plays on Klehe, TAMTAM, WUJA BIN BIN, and many other projects in Tokyo. His first work, "ECHOES", is based on improvisation. The introspective wind instrument melody that emphasizes the tactile sensation of sound is reminiscent of Jon Hassell and Terje Isungset.

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