
RIS-707 is a solo project by RIS, a multi-talented music artist based in Tokyo.

Her core influences are glam rock, punk, new wave, techno and electronica. She has become known for creating a new concept for each album—along the way constructing a RIS worldview through her music and artworks. While honoring universal rock precepts with a rootsy feel, RIS has established a distinctive music mindset with a fresh sense of mixology and funky overtones.

RIS music and performances have caught the attention of cutting-edge artists, leading to collaborations on a variety of music projects. She has also built up a portfolio as graphic designer of album jackets and merchandise for various artists. She has an ongoing songwriting partnership with Chris Mosdell, known for his groundbreaking work as lyricist for YMO and numerous household-name music artists.

Starting with the release of the single "PLASTIC SAKURA" on January 25th, 2023 and "BLACK NIGHT KITTY" on March 15th, RIS-707 will continue announcing digital singles one after another, leading up to the release of a new album called DANCE CULT, which will include all these releases.

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